Everyday, you may get a lot email from the sale companies or fresh news. but most of you never to open it as this not design or suitable for you. sometime I just find some useful for me.
The email from the flyingblue, in this email them just let you know how you can get the beneft from the menbership as I have joined the KlM menbership programme a few month ago, and point out in this eamil they want to remenber you have reward miles which can you get discount on next flight which will give you a lot advantage to compare with a other airlines.
In this email they just show you how can get more miles for you next flight and also give you and they just put a 8000 extra awards miles on my next flights with them. the part offer show blew:
The more Miles you earn, the closer you are to receiving your award
ticket. So to help you on your way, we've put together an exceptional
offer just for you. From 01/12/2013 to 31/03/2014 earn up to 8000 extra Award Miles on your flights with AIR FRANCE or KLM. Click here and register before 27/11/2013 to take advantage of this offer.
when you click the offter, you will turn to register page:
link: http://www.flyingbluebonus.com/Site/visuLog/?codeLangue=UK&IdVague=69
Also I put a video about the Email Newsletter, which will give you some point about your email