Thursday, 8 May 2014

Important factors for SEO content on online store

What kind website will attract your customers? and How can make your website more easy to be collected by search engines.? That why you need to design or make a goal on SEO content  on your pages. Before analysis the key factors of the SEO content, what is SEO content in order to  easy to understand broken down two parts:

  •  SEO is shortly for search engine optimization, as the process of the optimizing a website that your customers will find you via search engines like Yahoo, Google
  • By "content" can be defined as the information list on the website and can be lives on the web.
After combined two concepts,  SEO content is a goal to create any content to attract the search engines traffic. (Gabbert, 2012)

Next will list some important factors of SEO content for selling website
  1. Quality of SEO Content 
For the online shop website, most them use the same information with a  a simple brochure which could be found hundreds even thousands similar sites. How can you demanding your customers visit your site for a long time? However, without the high quality content  you cannot attract your customers  spend a few second on those sites. Thus, you should make a new content,  fresh content and living content. then people will through smartphones and computers via it everyday.  

The Amazon is a good example shows what is the high quality SEO content should be, first put  the your own stuff in first place, after that offer their some stuff which them will be consider or something them have viewed before. All of those content are set up on each customer who have vista your web but everyone is unique.

      2. Keyword and  Research of SEO content

 Always a good SEO content will connect to  a good keywords research.There are a number of tools will be work for you to find the keywords which people search your content.  That why you need to link to the keywords which people using for search terms. also keep the same style like the language your customer using when them searching.

There is a guide will help you find useful tools:
Search Engine Land’s Keyword Research Guide

 3. Freshness and Engagement of SEO content

Above is a screen shot of,  you can see their have put the later products on middle of home page, so that make sure you can update your sites for everyday the new stuff even thinking or idea.will make your SEO content become freshness (Usborne, 2010). Therefore, quality content will not produce a lot meaningful things with your customers. Remember to engagement your content with search engines all the time. which can use the social media, like the example use Blogs. Thus, engagement and freshness used to improve search results.

Below two article useful for you create Freshness and Engagement:

Following are some types of SEO content, but don’t upon these list ( Gabbert, 2012)

  • Product Pages – These are the bread and butter of any retail e-commerce site. 
  • Blog Posts – A blog is one of the easiest ways to create a regular stream of SEO content as blogs are very flexible.
  • Articles – Think news article, interview, or feature piece. 
  • Lists – The framing it as a list makes it easier to scan. 

Once you have start the online store, you should to build out an SEO content,  also important to create new content on a  blog. the SEO content need to follow the target market, this will help you quick to find the the keywords. However this blog give you some background of SEO content which help you find what what type of content it will be and what factors should include. A good SEO content will make a success in online marketing.

Search Engine Land, Content & Search Engine Success Factors [Online] Available at: (Accessed 13/5/2014)

Elisa Gabbert (2012) What Is SEO Content? A Beginner's Guide to Creating Content for SEO [Onlone]  Available at: (Accessed 15/5/2014)

Nick Usborne (2010) Living Content: It’s What People Want [Online]  Available at:  (Accessed at 15/5/2014)

Harmanjit Singh and Manraj Singh (2012) Review of Various SEO Techniques for Websites  International Journal of Computers & Technology, Vol 3, Iss 1 Pp 170-172

Alexandru Enaceanu (2010)    SEO Techniques for Business Websites [Online] Available at:  (Accessed at 20/5/2014)

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Being more effective on Content marketing

Digital content and digital products are conceptualised as bit-based objects distributed 
through electronic channels. (Koiso-Kantilla ,2004)

When look at the nowadays marketing, most consumers have been left out from the traditional markets, and skip to the advertising from internet and TVs. As the traditional marketing becoming less and less effective and replace by the content marketing which has to be better way for people shopping on new ways.But what is content marketing? and content marketing  is a marketing technique develops and distributes content value intended to attract and retain a target audience that will be an action to drive profit to customer.

why should marketer focus on the content marketing, there are some fact collect from the internet:

  • In 2014, 58% of companies plan to increase their content marketing budgets.. (Content Marketing Institute
  • Online presence is a must for businesses, as 93% of online research starts with a search engine, and 68% of consumers check out companies on social networking sites before buying. (Brandpoint
  • 66% of the most effective content marketers have a “documented content strategy” and 86% have a dedicated person or team managing that strategy. (
  • On all organizations that operate programs marketing content, 48% say that their efforts have resulted in the commitment to customers and potential customers, and 41% are seeing an increase in brand awareness. (Marketing Land
From above figure shows content marketing has been the best way for communicating and engaging customers online, thus the high quality content will help your business more effective. That why a lot markers increase invest in the content marketing.

Below will display some good example of content marketing

  • Brew Dog Beer

AS Brew Dog beer launch  a project of " Equity for Punks" which will be a useful content marketing strategy leading a crowd-funding for their business in order to company constantly delivering marketing .

  • British Airways
British Airways has been design  and produced  some campaigns were very effective last year which will not only for their online campaign. BA have offer a idea and let people talking which combine the offline advertising with online marketing to encouraging people to share via social media

    • Taste Williams-Sonoma

    Above is a blog from the taste which have shows a great online lifestyle magazine and also recommend what kind of products they sell now. The company get well touch in the content marketing in social media.

    All in all, in the today's business more and more marketers pay attention on the content marketing by using the techniques and tips to enrich or create their content, that why have point out some good example of good content marketing and example shows content should make more effective connect with your customer and readers.  Here are some content marketing tips can help your achieve a good performance on your business.

    1. Readers Will Show You What To Talk About
    2. Readers Love To Look Forward
    3. Readers Love Pop Culture Adaptations
    4. Readers Love To Get Better At Things They Enjoy
                                                                         Collect from Hootsuite

    In the end, Content marketing will still be a top field for marketers pay attention on it and also will leading a big change on the new market by replace the traditional way.  In order to provide an effective content marketing for the customers.

    The video of  the History of Content Marketing, which has shows development of content marketing and background information.

    Future reading: Traditional Publicity VS Content Marketing
    Available at:


    Koiso-Kanttila, N. (2004), “Digital content marketing”, Journal of Marketing Management,
    Vol. 20, No. 1-2, pp.45-65.

    Nina Koiso-Kanttila (2004) Digital Content Marketing:A Literature Synthesis available at: (Accessed at 5/5/2014)

    Jennifer Rowley (2008) Understanding digital content marketing, available at: (Accessed at 5/5/2014)

    Content Marketing Institute (2013)What is Content Marketing? Avaiable at: (Accessed at 6/5/2014)

    TripleCurve (2014) 5 Ways Content Marketing Can Revolutionize Your Nonprofit [online] Avaiable at (Accessed at 13/5/2014)

    Improve social media to keep attract customers

    When look at the whole of digital marketing strategy,  social media  remains one of the key channels to engage customers and conveys brand information and creates brand image through varieties of advertisements, entertainments and social activities. the facebook, youtube and so on this social networking have attract a large number of people pay attention on those website how can keep your customer focus on or look at your site.

    Definition of Social media

    "Social media is a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content but doesn't allow readers/viewers/listeners to participate in the creation or development of the content."  By Susan Ward

    Example of bad social media

    1. Tesco caught horsing around
    The scandal of horse meat is one of the biggest news to hit the UK supermarket last year, Tesco was one of the most important villains / victims.though Tesco take action and immediately remove .
    Unfortunately the team of customer service was not as strong, and had to make a quick apology after failing to stop the pre-programmed to tweet out ...

      2.  Luton Airport makes light of child’s death

    In March of 2013 Luton Airport posted a light-hearted Facebook update to assure passengers that they would remain safe even when it snows.
    The post read: “Because we are such a super airport….this is what we prevent you from when it snows……Weeeee :)”

      3. British Gas gets its timing all wrong

    Back in October 2013, the British gas held a Q & A on the rise greedy and unsustainable price was the price increase of 11%. . and someone has already examined the collapse that followed in more detail, the discovery that 16,000 + angry responses that British Gas received 88 accused the company of being "greedy" and 145 contained the word "death ".

    From this three example about the social media, each company want to their customer focus on their issue, but at end more customer feel unhappy even angry. Did company lost their customer? Yes, of course. How can improve your social media keep customer interesting.

    How can improve on social media
    1. Make a genuine effort

    There are many brands that deal with digital and social media for different countries. Sometimes, traders do not take the time to understand the audience and how they can benefit. If you are a national company, it is important to be coordinated at the local, regional and national digital campaigns supported by traditional advertising to get the exposure you need campaigns (Tagliani, 2014).

    2. Engage your audience

    When different kind of people walk into the social media, they always bring some useful information to social media as one of important tool to them. Thus, you should take them into your social media through ask for their advice, ideas and get them involved

    3. Get to know their culture

    If you really want to succeed in the platforms of social media, your brand must appeal to the culture with others. Establish a meaningful dialogue with them online which shows a significant effort to understand their culture and needs.

    4. See the big picture

    The place of social media is an opportunity to transfer your brand  to others which will through digital and social media across the world (Tagliani,2014). so that you can add more language on your website even open a local Facebook or twitter account to share your brands or product, in order to connect much more effectively with this new market.

    TIps from The Marketing donut (2014)


    consider where your target audience gathers online 
    have a presence on social media platforms relevant 
    make sure your profile is up to date and communicate the essential details 
    engage with potential new customers


    use social media to push sales messages
    expect instantaneous result
    substitute existing practices for social media — incorporate thems

    This blog have combine examples and tips to give your some advice to improve your social media, as social media is one of the important part relate to the digital marketing. Always make sure your social media walking on the right way and share your content passionately and consistently in community to keep attract your customer and keep them interesting in your information.

     The Marketing donut  How to use social media to attract consumers (Accessed at 1/5/2014)

    Hernan Tagliani (2014) 4 tips on using social media to attract loyal Hispanic customers [Online] (Accessed at 9th/May/2014)

    Bronner F, de Hoog R. Social media and consumer choice. International Journal Of Market Research [serial online]. January 2014;56(1):51-71. Available from: Business Source Premier, Ipswich, MA. At :  (Accessed May 7, 2014.)

    Mark McGuinness (2013) 4 Creative Ways to Attract More Visitors to Your Website [Online] Available at: (Accessed at 5th/May/2014)

    Social Media is the key to digital marketing (1)


    “No marketing strategy, guru or digital platform. And we don’t worry about our social media profiles. People are amazed”  by Ajith Jayawickrema

    The social media or social life can be done online and offline, which will be best tools for you when you start a new business on digital marketing even at that moment you don't have enough time and enough resources to do everything, so the social media sociability is the key to networking and connect your business. In fact, social media spend in the UK for the first 6 months of 2013 grew by 53% to £242.5million, and it’s will continues increased ( IAB, 2014).  As the social media is the key factors in digital strategies. Next section analysis some social media will focus on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.


    What is YouTube? YouTube is market-dominant video sharing website, on which users can view, share, upload even download. The fact(size) of this website

    • 800 million unique users per month
    • More than 100 million social actions (shares, likes/dislikes, comments) per week
    • Users in 43 countries, across 60 languages more than 1/10 of worlds population

    YouTube based on a lot of the watching crowd,  which will give you a better chance to show your product and service.

    Advantage on using YouTube

    • Search Engines Love Video Content as YouTube is free, in order that will give you chance to reach the high ranking on websites featuring video content

    Free and Easy to Share
    For the small business without enough funding and YouTube could be one of the best tools to expand your business on digital marketing as the video will appear in both YouTube and Google search engines without any cost.

    Below each video, YouTube offer a sharing option to the users and allow them to recommend it to their social network like Facebook and Twitter even click like the video share with their friends. Thus, YouTube make easy to share which will be save you time to let video content across a variety of social media channels.

    • Reaches to a Global Audience 

    From above the graph of Facebook shows breakdown of traffic by country in the world and the colour darker the more people click. As YouTube is one of the world’s largest and successful video share webside which have already a large number of users have visited this sites that why youcan upload your video of your product and services see by all over the world in order to attract customers. Also lest the YouTube make a right target on the social networking even you start a new business by using YouTube not only target on your local market but also across the world to increase sales on your products or services.

    Try builds trust and spreads your content across the web
    Below a video shows How To Create Good Content For YouTube Channel

    YouTube as one of the highest trafficked site in the world which means through the YouTube videos your products and services can have about 60 million viewers for each months. Also YouTube as a highly rate of trust tools in digital marketing, thus under this effective way, your product or services will more likely to buy by your customers and can increase many new customers through spread your content on YouTube videos. So make sure your tags effectively and use keywords which will be easier for users to reach your video across web.


    • Concept overrides content

    How to get thousands of viewers every day to watch your YouTube video and in video-marking not always with a good content. Under a meaningful content almost let your customer forget how they were led to the site (Brookins, Smallbusiness). Thus using mix videos and audios to show a different keep videos to shorter. Also your can make an amazing and outright in your ads. Which would make them want to discover your topic.

    • Requires more attraction

    The more attraction need your video under an interest by your customer enough for them continue watching until the end. That why most YouTube video shows a common weakness on attract customer. Do not let your video pass by the next video, make your video more amazing and surprise.

    Below there is a list of disadvantage using YouTube for your business:
    1. ADVERTISING: Can hurt your brand.
    2. ANALYTICS: Too basic.
    4. PERSONAL BRAND: Without company's logo.
    5. CLICK TO ACTION: Unconnected website directly.
    6. UNIQUE TEXT: Without a promotion or coupon to your product.
    7. CUSTOMER SERVICE: No personal support
    9. UNWANTED COMPETITION: Unwanted related videos from competitors and spammers.

    All in all, YouTube is an excellent platform for small business even personal use compare with other video-sharing sites. However, sometimes to sell products and services bring a disadvantage. Video Marketing with video advertising to promote your business or client services, and feature is still somehow new in the internet marketing arena and continue as an important digital marketing strategy.

    Future reading:

    Understanding of Social Networking before Launching Social Media Marketing Activation

    James Poletti (2013) Is Real World ‘Sociability’ the Key to Social Media Success? (Accessed at 2/5/2014)

     Miranda Brookins. Disadvantages of Advertising With Social Media [Online] Available at: (Accessed at 1/6/2014)

    Anthony Tao(2013) Country Breakdown Of Social Network Traffic Shows Not Many Countries Besides China Blocks YouTube, Facebook, And Twitter [Online] Available at:  (Accessed at 1/6/2014)

    What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook [Online] Available at : (Accessed at 1/6/2014)

    Naím, Moisés. 2007. "The YouTube Effect." Foreign Policy no. 158: 104-103. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed June 4, 2014).

    what can cause email marketing to fail

    No matter how email marketing can bring to high conversion rate with high return to the marketers, the one thing we cannot ignore that the pitfalls of any underachieving email program. Although marketers see cheap, easy revenue each time an email is sent but  it ain't that easy, so following points can cause email marketing to fail:

    A generic type of e-mail
    This is the most common mistakes in E-mail marketing , use the same format for mail sent, did not take into account the needs of customers . Sometimes the contents of this email has been repeated figured out , covering large amount information which is very comprehensive, but almost those kind email will not be attract their customers.  when look at the simple and  carry the personal information would be better or   more accepted by customers , also this kinds of email loyalty is relatively high. So suggest email writer  can be used questions and answers , comments and other mail formats.

    The message is sent too frequently
    Below email shows how many get in half a month, that was too much email sent by Crunchyroll which make their customers tired to read all of this message, thus could be lost some important information.

    So send e-mail frequently is another important cause customers objectionable . but there still many marketers believe that the subscribers to communicate better, but this is not true , which will  lead to loss of customers. The best amplification is to protect the rights of subscription customers , consider customer demand, the amount of transmitted; development of relevant transmission cycle , let the E-mail marketing become more valuable.

    Send pictures in the form of e-mail
    The picture in the form of e-mail messages. Do you think about  server vendors to reduce the amount of spam , par rigorous audit of the picture , and even some close up pictures display. Therefore , E-mail marketing keep the pictures to transfer the useful information and should avoid pure graphical messages sent using the picture, better with some text to describe. As beautiful pictures can not be seen by  a customer , there is no value.

    Below was an example of email picture with text, which will be better for transfer information to their customer and the picture can give their direct describe what kind product will be look like.

    The messages without the user's permission

    Basic E-mail marketing is the customer allowed , but many online shopping websites have a common that if a customer buy their products from them will be automatically classified as willing to accept the message , and added these consumption in the process of sending e-mail after e-mail list .In fact  need Need permission to do this . Otherwise, it may damage their brand.

    Below is part of email from Amazon, in the red line, they give you choice you can opt-out what ever you want leave, this will be a good point for their customer if they didn't need anymore those kind product can be stop it. Also offer a high quality email marketing services

    No social media links mail
    Social networking is one of the effective ways to interact with customers , many server vendors have provided social media share the message content . But some companies have not been able to use this function well, this can easily lead to loss of customers.  So, add social media links to the current E-mail marketing is an indispensable link between businesses and customers to provide a good interactive platform.

    You can put all your social media after the main text, below shows a good content with a social networking

    In the end, E-mail marketing this kind of network marketing, is a relatively small cost of inputs , but it can play a very good marketing effectiveness of marketing mode, so more and more enterprises focus on E-mail marketing . Thus, not only see the advantage of E-mail marketing to attract more customer and increase the online sales, but also take care about fail of email market which can cause a negative impact on the business.


    Hemsley, Steve. (2008). "The rich fail to get richer." Precision Marketing 20, no. 15: 19-20. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed March 15, 2014).

    Kopper, S (2002), 'How to FAIL at E-MAIL MARKETING', Mortgage Banking, 62, 11, p. 60, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 March 2014.

    Byrne, K (2004), 'Using email for marketing', Chartered Accountants Journal, 83, 4, pp. 53-54, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 22 March 2014.

    Simms Jenkins  (2013), 7 Reasons Why Your Email Marketing Program May Fail [online] Available at:

    Jasmine Henry (2013), 9 Reasons Why Your Email Marketing Campaign WILL Fail [online] Available at:

    FL1group (2014) , 5 Reasons your Email Marketing Campaigns fail [online] Available at:

    Friday, 2 May 2014

    How to avoid things email readers hate

    The video above shows  the top five email mistakes and the most the email readers hate, so how can to avoid to make  the email more valuable.

    The whole map of digital marketing strategy,  email  remains one of the best channels to engage customers and build brand loyalty. The marketers not put a lot time on their email marketing as they think they gain a few back from the customer email, but there some reasons cause this situation, the most important  is they write email on their behavior or performance which will no direct or indirect connect with their customer even did not care about the customer feels (Eridon, 2012). That why most marketers not achieved a high email marketing rating. there are four email mistakes and should be avoid.

    1. Receiving unsolicited emails

    This will be a common mistake for the most company marketers as they believed if a customer bought something from their online shop will be automatic to accept their sales information emails. Do they stand in customers side , no one like any companies without any permission to take into their mailing list.

    However, sometimes some customers forgot they have opted-in subscribers which will make customer confuse to receive those emails. the solution you can put an opted-out selection on your emails, example below:

    There are some tips to prevent this mistake:

    1. Keep your name and brand name, always use "from" as title which your customer will recognizes
    2. Do not change your name and email address once your have start email marketing business, using your own logo and branding, which will decrease the spam email.
    3. Check again, don't forget ask the permission to email them

    2. Not being able to read your email on their mobile

    Today, most people use  their smartphone to receive and check their emails, so you need to change your writing style to adapt to their mobile phone, thus to design a phone email form become important for your customers, also make sure you newsletter can be load on their phone.

    Above a photo shows a bad email will not display well in smartphone not only difficult to find the key point but also cut down rate of your customer view. below a few key factors to lead change:

    1. keep your a single column template and make your content more flexible that can suitable for all size phone screen
    2. Try to cut off the large size picture even don' t use picture on your email keep simple. if the picture will not be load or broken, so avoid embed text in images.
    3. Keep your email short and short again, your customer do not have much time and patience to read whole message. 
    3. When it’s hard to find your contact details
    Look at this email which was the confirmation of order, if you have any question about you order, how can you to contract seller which will make your customer feel helplessness even angry. when you send email about product information and offer, should leave a clear contract details so that reader can get touch you in time. Don't lose your customers, fix it.

    4. Stupid spelling mistakes

    Can you image your receive a email with some spelling mistakes? Do you feel misunderstand and confuse? Just like one email below:
     A few tip will help you to develop:

    1. Start spell check for every email your have send, don't let your reader feel you are not pay attention to them even it is an incomplete email to your customers
    2. However spell mistake easy to fix but your still need to remember proofread your email and newsletter before send it to readers.

    There are still a lot mistake in email marketing and marketers have continue to make some unexpected mistake will leading in email marketing fails, however, most customers will not change their mind but if you want money from their pocket, you need to fix your email let email on the correct way.

    Video of interview Jessica Andreasen (2014): Switching up email messaging for new successes

    John Arnold, Giving Your E-Mail Marketing Content Inherent Value Available at: (Accessed at 7th/May/2014)

    Corey Eridon (2012) 16 Things People Really Hate About Your Email Marketing [Online] Available at:  (Accessed at 8th/May/2014)

    Kent R, Brandal H. (2003) Improving email response in a permission marketing context [Online] Available at:  (Accessed at 8th/May/2014)

    Marybeth Matzek , 10 Email Habits That Make Others Hate You [Online] Available at:  (Accessed at 4th/May/2014)